Downloading Music |
When you click on an MP3 file posted on this site, depending on your browser and the setup on your PC, the music may download and play or it may just download. With a modern internet connection, the download should be instant, or perhaps within a few seconds. If the music begins playing in your browser, look for a menu item in the browser to click, so that you can download the file. Depending on your browser, it may put the MP3 file into your downloads folder, or it may give you a choice of where to put it.
After it is downloaded, you can copy it to any folder where you would like to keep it. For example, you could put it in a folder along with your Pathways plans.
Using music with the Pathways Alarm Clock: After you have a Pathways plan with scheduled activities, you can activate the Alarm Clock by choosing "Alarm Clock" from the "Tools" menu of Pathways. After the Alarm clock starts, in the Alarm clock window select "Choose" from the "Music" menu. In the window that appears, you can choose the WAV or MP3 files to be used for the main alarm and the advance warning alarm. For a more detailed explanation, click the "question mark" icon on the Pathways Alarm clock window.
You may find it's much more pleasant to have music as an alarm rather than the beeps you would otherwise hear as a warning of an upcoming appointment.